Sunday, April 11, 2010

Christ: The Crown goes to Jesus

Jesus of Nazareth was a great speaker and maybe even a miracle worker, but the Crown of Christ was given to him by his followers after his death. Christ, a concept of Savior, was/is a Jewish concept, created in the O.T. as a Savior for the Jewish people. The followers elected to give their leader, Jesus, this title, Christ.

Christ, as a concept, has changed over the generations, over thousands of years.

Christ now is this motorcyle riding, football playing, great guy, who knows all and sits at the right hand of God, his father,
letting his followers into Heaven, as God sends everyone else to a lake of fire.

Christ, to me, is a concept, and Jesus of Nazareth is a great man, Jewish teacher, who struggled to help the Jewish people, by reforming the Jewish religion.

Jesus as a martyr and reformer.

Jesus' followers, and those in the Christian faith, accept Jesus as the Christ of the O.T., though the concept of Christ as gone from political reformer and revolutionary, to a religious reformer, and "gate keeper" to Heaven, because of His special ability to conquer death and his his followers eternal life.

This I believe is a transformation of faith created by Apostle Paul, who in my opinion, invented Christianity.

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