Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Being Christain and Believing in Evolution

I Wonder?

This is an album cover. But the girl in the new religion has some serious Mammary Glands

The Unity Church brings together parts of all religions.

If you love one another, and accept the concept of an almighty Creator, God, as loving, and you love all the time, your life will be more enjoyable, without hate and misery. Love everyone. Bring into your congregation every religion, or parts of each, in which you can imagine a loving God, and you love.

There is a new wave of Anti-Religious People and Images

Our military is fighting or our American Imperialism! Works for Me!

Fundamentalist substitute reason for faith.

I think this is partually why I hang around with fundamentalists.

I think the Militant Athiest is Drinking. I Dont Know Why Though.

t I need to believe a man alive over 2,000 years ago is still alive, and he is sitting right there at the right hand of God, the creator of the universe, and when I die, he will need to be there to allow you to get into Heaven. If he weren't there God, your creator, will sent you into Hell, which is a Lake of Fire.

Christian Fundimentalists, Interesting, but Frightning at Times.


The concept of Christ is a beautiful invention. Christ is a savior. Military Spiritual Personal
He or She can be imbellished. The imbellishment changes any or all of the "Christs", the military spiritual or personal Christ.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nothing like re-inventing basic Interpretation

Im going to begin to study German Gods and Goddess'.

Main attempts to Label God!

God is the Angry God!

Fundimentalist attempt to us fear to get people to follow man-made rules and keep people in place, within the rules, to keep control and not allow any freedom of thought, away from fundimentalist interpretations.
God is, but all attempts to describe and explain God are rediculous.

Religion is Man Made

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Unitarian Me

I believe Im a Unitarian, but I attend fundamentalist churches, because of my political faith, which is Conservative, and it within my comfort zone.

I enjoy songs of grace, and praise of God.

I pretty much play-off the songs and sermons of Jesus' power and purpose to give us eternal life, as a myth, and a part of Paul's abitity to pass on the Christian "cultish" elements which are wrong, but I just shrug off, while others around me don't.

I won't say anything to affect their faith, those fundamentalists. They need this to deal with their own fear of death, and finiteness.

Christ is a concept. Jesus is dead. God is alive. And God's spirit is really a Spirit out there, or maybe just our own imagination.

Jesus' Dying on the Cross Changes Nothing.

Our celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the death, is a celebration of faith, that Jesus rose from the dead, so we can too!

It does not matter if Jesus was a man or women, married with children, or whatever.

I celebrate Communion as an act of faith, by me, and millions of others that there is "Life After Death."

The Elected

We are all elected, not just those who choose to have Jesus as their Lord and Savior in their life, their Christ.

We are "elected" at birth.

People like to play with God and give themselves the ability to give themselves life after death, according to something they do, belief in Jesus as their Lord and Savior, so they won't die, but have eternal life.

Life goes on. It always has, so belief in God or Jesus won't affect us any more than it has since the beginning of the Universe.

The Crown of Christ has been placed on Jesus of Nazareth by the Christians.

Christianity should be called Paulianity, because its his invention.

The Crown of Christ

Christ: The Crown goes to Jesus

Jesus of Nazareth was a great speaker and maybe even a miracle worker, but the Crown of Christ was given to him by his followers after his death. Christ, a concept of Savior, was/is a Jewish concept, created in the O.T. as a Savior for the Jewish people. The followers elected to give their leader, Jesus, this title, Christ.

Christ, as a concept, has changed over the generations, over thousands of years.

Christ now is this motorcyle riding, football playing, great guy, who knows all and sits at the right hand of God, his father,
letting his followers into Heaven, as God sends everyone else to a lake of fire.

Christ, to me, is a concept, and Jesus of Nazareth is a great man, Jewish teacher, who struggled to help the Jewish people, by reforming the Jewish religion.

Jesus as a martyr and reformer.

Jesus' followers, and those in the Christian faith, accept Jesus as the Christ of the O.T., though the concept of Christ as gone from political reformer and revolutionary, to a religious reformer, and "gate keeper" to Heaven, because of His special ability to conquer death and his his followers eternal life.

This I believe is a transformation of faith created by Apostle Paul, who in my opinion, invented Christianity.