Sunday, July 26, 2009

I really enjoy listening to Dr. Delhousaye speak! Ive heard him give sermons throughout the month of July at Shoreline Community Church. There are three things important in a sermon he can have in each sermon: (1) discuss the original Greek and Hebrew text, (2) discuss the scriptures and give interpretation, and (3) give the listeners tools to live by.

I disagree that scriptures are an "outbreath" of God in the scriptures, but their "belief" that they were "outbreathed."

Jesus is also the Son of God, if we as Christian Existentialists "elect" to believe He is/was the Son of God.

Jesus is our Lord and Savior, if we "elect" to believe in Him as our Lord and Savior. I have, but everyone has to come to that decision in their lives.

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