Friday, July 31, 2009

Food, Music, and Fun!

The Most Enduring Image, Booths, Stages, Food, Music, and Walking, and Walking, and Walking!

The Main Stage at Night!

Christ Under the "Big Top!"

Kamp VeggieTales With Larry !

Current Affair

The Main Stage

From 12:00-7:00 From Thursday-Saturday, will Feed Volunteers!

This is Me, Cooking Hamburgers!

The Lakeside Cafe is where I will spend over 24 Hours During SWC!

Spirit West Coast 2009

Ron Martin

Monday, July 27, 2009

I Found a Google picture with a girl in a bathtub, which is a more interesting thought than a little boy!

I was a very little child. I know I was very young as I realized my first feeling of existentialist anxiety. I was sitting in the bath tub alone, watching the water drain out into the plumbing system, and I realized how small I was and I realized the Earth was in the middle of an universe without any end. The Universe keeps expanding without end, and I felt like I was losing my mind.

Christian Existentialism helps me grasp onto my roots before being blown away into insanity.

I remember the first time I saw Da Daism for the first time; it was in Paris. I felt an extreme fasination, but repulsion, and discust!

If I Let My Imagination Expand Without Any End of the Universe I Feel This Existentialist Fear of Expanding Nothingness!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I really enjoy listening to Dr. Delhousaye speak! Ive heard him give sermons throughout the month of July at Shoreline Community Church. There are three things important in a sermon he can have in each sermon: (1) discuss the original Greek and Hebrew text, (2) discuss the scriptures and give interpretation, and (3) give the listeners tools to live by.

I disagree that scriptures are an "outbreath" of God in the scriptures, but their "belief" that they were "outbreathed."

Jesus is also the Son of God, if we as Christian Existentialists "elect" to believe He is/was the Son of God.

Jesus is our Lord and Savior, if we "elect" to believe in Him as our Lord and Savior. I have, but everyone has to come to that decision in their lives.