Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fearing Our Finite Existence

People who turn to a "mystical" religion, generally a cult, try to empower themselves by inventing an "image" of God, and make up rules to show they match up to the requirements of their "image." Hence, religion can become cruel and an "enslavement" within their own rules and regulations. This is the main "usefulness" of religion, it takes your mind off your empending death and eternal "void." And we don't know what's in that void. We preactively fill it in with our own "religion."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Living in Grace

Being a Christian means living a life worth living, not just continuing to life in belief of Jesus of Nazareth at your Lord and Savior.
As a Liberal Christian I believe the teachings of Jesus are important to my life, but I need to de-Judahize my believe to a Gentile Christian faith. The primative believe in sacrifice needs to be modernized to a "self-sacrifice." In the name of Christ, which is a Jewish concept, needs to be re-modelled to fit my life as a non-Jew. Therefore the Jewish concept of Christ, as a Jewish savior, needs to be made into a Gentile Savior. Since I believe in Grace from birth, and idea of circumsion is seen to me as barbaric, and totally unnessary, and in my opinion, always has been, an invention of the Jewish belief.

The Christ is a spiritual "Superman" as it were, who never existed, but for whom we as Christians can strive for, not for our salvation in heaven, but to create a kingdom of god on Earth. We strive to be as near to God, the creator of the Universe, as
possible. There are "jewels" of universal truths in the scriptures, O.T. and N.T. But they only help me to be a person with a quality life, not eternal life. That is a gift of God to us through Grace, not of works through faith, and/or religion.